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In this tutorial we are going to see how to dockerize an Asp.NET Core Application.
- An ASP.NET Core application. If you don’t you can create one using Visual Studio 2017 or download a sample application from my github repository.
- A Docker Installation in your Linux or Windows Machine. If you don’t come here to get the desired edition
Dockerize your ASP.NET Core Application
Create a Dockerfile in your project folder. If you downloaded the sample there is one there already.
Add the text below to your Dockerfile for either Linux or Windows Containers.
FROM microsoft/dotnet:sdk AS build-env WORKDIR /app # Copy csproj and restore as distinct layers COPY *.csproj ./ RUN dotnet restore # Copy everything else and build COPY . ./ RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out # Build runtime image FROM microsoft/dotnet:aspnetcore-runtime WORKDIR /app COPY --from=build-env /app/out . ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "<yourapplication>.dll"]
Replace <yourapplication> with your project dll.
Build and run the Docker image
Add a .dockerignore file to your project folder and copy the following into it. If you downloaded the sample there is one there already.
bin\ obj\
Open a terminal/ PowerShell and navigate to your project folder. Use the following commands to build and run your Docker image:
docker build -t <yourapplication> docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name myapp <yourapplication>
Replace <yourapplication> with your project name again and run them.
Go to localhost:8080 to access your app in a web browser.