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As the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in effect tomorrow, I am getting rid of all personal data from our development databases. However for some databases just deleting users in not an option, so I am replacing all the data with dummy values. I wrote a little script which updates all table rows in the Users Table in a Microsoft SQL Server database with dummy data.
--Declare and initialize Incremental Variable DECLARE @IncrementValue int SET @IncrementValue = 0 --Updates all table rows UPDATE AspNetUsers SET Email = CONCAT('user',@IncrementValue, '@example.com'), Username = CONCAT('user',@IncrementValue, '@example.com'), Name = CONCAT('User ',@IncrementValue),@IncrementValue=@IncrementValue+1
Running this script produces the following result:
Mission accomplished! Dummy data in a few seconds.